EHC Flight Academy

Do you want to train to be a helicopter pilot? Do you want to try out flying a helicopter through a test flying lesson? European Heli Center offers these trial lessons.

7 days a week, a multitude of instructors

We offer training courses with state-of-the-art and safe helicopters at competitive prices. Besides, we have a rich variety of training vehicles and instructors. This allows us to offer continuity of your training course. After all, at European Heli Center you can start your training at any given moment, and train with us seven days a week.

Apart from a solid education, we also value having a good time. Flying is a serious business, but one should also have fun doing so.

Next step?

Are you interested in one of our training courses, but would you first like to get to know us better? Fill in the form below and we will get in touch.


  • The largest Flight Academy of Europe

  • PPL (H)

  • Hourbuilding programs

  • CPL (H) Integrated & Modular Courses

  • Type ratings & Night ratings

  • Instrument ratings

  • FI (H) and FE (H) Courses

  • TRI (H) – TRE (H)

  • EASA Certified FTD-3 EC135 SIM

  • License Conversions




Let’s get in touch

Fill in the form and receive more information about the topic of your interest.

Having a chat might be easier to discuss your case.
Select one or multiple courses.